With the success of our local baseball team engrossing many television sets every night, I thought it appropriate to show you how our team operates like a very successful baseball team. Let me demonstrate the roles that we play!
As the real estate agents, we are the equivalent of a Cy Young winning starting pitcher, the manager, a batting champion and the collective defense. Oh how sweet it would be if I could bat .320 and make the kind of money they do. In our business, we have to go 25-0 as the starting pitcher, bat 1.000, 162-0 as the manager and never make an error as a team.
As the general manager, we must develop a plan than works. We have sold over 1300 homes in Avondale so I am pretty sure that the system that we have developed is quite effective. That is great as far as establishing a dynasty but what about this season (your home)? We have sold more than any other agent in your area the last two seasons and year to date (by a 3-1 margin in the last 60 days) We also have to draft a team than can win on the field. Money ball (over-reliance on statistics) is somewhat effective but most times natural instincts will prevail. As part of preparing the plan for today’s game, I have to do the equivalent of preparing a line-up card. I have to study the comparable sales, make adjustments based on the competition and match ups and produce a plan for the game that at least starts with the best statistical chances of success. In other words, I have to price your home accurately for the condition, location and market conditions that give you the best chances for success.
Let’s start this game as the away team, meaning we bat first. We have to make sure everything in our batting stance and pitcher scouting is perfect. The information from advance scouts has to be reliable and trustworthy. The pictures have to be perfect! The condition of the home has to be at least very good. The location of the game (the home) is not something we can do a lot about but we do have to know the ground rules for that location. We have to know what the HOA restrictions are, any historic or known defects to the area such as settlement problems or presence of termites. We have to know the subtle tendencies of the opposing pitchers ( I have worked with almost every other agent in the West Valley) When we walk up to the plate (put the home on the market), we have to be prepared for what is to come and be ready! Many games are won or lost in the first inning or first at bat! No strike outs allowed!
As the starting pitcher, it is my job to not serve up home runs for the other team. It is ok to let the other team put the ball in play but best to have them hit the ball straight to one of our defenders. When we enter into negotiations, it is a very subtle and fine process. I have to decide how the negotiations are going and then at that point either take advantage of the buyer’s over aggressiveness by throwing him a change up or a curve ball in the dirt or openly challenge them to swing by trying to throw my best pitch by them. In real estate terms, this is reading the buyer and the buyer’s agent as to whether a counter offer is likely to be accepted or whether a seller’s positioning is correct based on the amount of time, conditions and number of showings to that point. In other words, selling real estate involves being aware of the parties involved and based on experience and talent evaluating how to proceed SUCCESSFULLY! It is not as so many agents today believe, the ability to manage paperwork! It takes many years of experience to remain calm and advise appropriately with runners in scoring position.
Now the ball has been put in play (we have an accepted offer), the defense kicks in and does their job! This may include double checking on inspections, coordinating appointments for the appraiser and getting second opinions from the contractors that we use on a regular basis.
It is also our job to hold base runners and prevent them from stealing bases. Holding an escrow together with opposing interests is many times more of an art than a science.
Now its time to bring in the specialists: Turning the double play is something we have mastered. If you need to sell your home and buy another one, we know all of the tricks. We are experienced at doing post- possessions, pre possessions, contingencies and all of the other possible double play combinations. We even turned an unassisted triple play last year.
The Set-Up Pitcher-I have used Rita Marie as my lender for more than 20 years. It is very common for me to have to call her and discuss another lender’s problem on a transaction to come up with a solution or at least ensure that at least the lender is telling us the truth.
The Closer-We use the team at Driggs Title whenever we can. Patty Miller has been a top escrow officer for more than 20 years and will throw whatever pitch is needed to get that final out of the ball game.
As the premier real estate team in Avondale and Litchfield Park, our goals are simple! Bat 1.000 and throw a perfect game!
If you want a real estate team with the potential to throw a perfect game on the sale or purchase of your new home, give the Al Gage team a call or an email.
623.536.8200 or al@algage.com