Its Simpe-Do it Better than Everyone Else!

That is what it said on the key card of the rather famous hotel in Florida where I stayed this past week. It pretty much says it all as far as business, especially the real estate business, goes and it is a philosophy that I have embraced since learning this concept from my father.

When we actually analyze what “doing it better than everyone else” entails, it becomes a different question and more difficult to evaluate.

Here are some important factors in how we “do it better than everyone else”.

Knowledge-We recently had a client talk to us about listing their investment homes for sale. At the end of that conversation, I recommended that they do a 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange which if successful would save them about $50,000 in tax liability. I didn’t have to look up the rules of a 1031 or call her back with the information, I KNEW IT. Being able to offer that kind of advice only comes with time in service. We are not trying to say that we know everything about real estate off the top of our heads, but there are very view situations which we have not encountered in the past.

Experience-At the current time, less experienced agents are also very susceptible to finding themselves on the bandwagon as far as pricing homes. It is real easy to fall into the trend that the market is really hot and that you can price a home any way you want and it will sell. Experience tells us, that this might lead to an offer for this inflated price only to lead to ultimate disappointment when the home subsequently fails to appraise for the purchase price. We have had great success at pushing the market with small increases that we can obtain an appraisal for the purchase price, rather than making great “grasping at straws” leaps of value.

Proven Track Record-We have been working in your subdivision since it was built! Period! For the past four years, no other agent has sold more homes in these subdivisions than the Al Gage Team. It often baffles us why more people don’t at least interview us to see what we have to offer. Its free and without obligation so even if you are going to list with your boyfriends, cousins mother why would you not at least consult with the local expert.

Statistics are Statistics-There are agents out there that have huge teams of underlings or claim to be the area experts in your subdivisions, no agent has sold more than the Al Gage team in the past 4 years by an overwhelming, almost 3 to 1 margin. That statement is important. Claiming to be the area expert is all that is required to hang it on your sign but at the Al Gage Team we have statistics to back it up.

Personal Integrity-We recently had a transaction with an elderly gentleman and due to a miscommunication between the person performing the appraisal and the handyman performing the repairs, the water was accidentally left turned off. The appraisal has a requirement that all utilities were to be on and no one had informed us the utilities were off. This would have caused some party to the transaction to incur a $175 re-inspection fee by the appraiser. It really wasn’t anyone’s fault but it certainly wasn't the buyer or seller’s fault. Rather than point fingers, we simply paid the fee at closing. My father used to say “If it’s nobody’s fault and you are in charge, its your fault”. We try to take extreme personal responsibility in our lives but also in our business practices and this is just an example of that philosophy.

Honesty-My grandmother, when I was a little child tried to teach me that I didn't have to tattle on myself. I would volunteer everything I had done wrong for the day to my parents at the first look from them. This has grown into a business ethic that I think is exceedingly rare in todays’ business climate. I will do what is the ethical and morally right thing to do regardless of what is at stake for me personally. I know the ‘Golden Rule” is very old fashioned these days but is still the moral code that I live and practice in business.

If you want it done “better than everyone else” give us a call or shoot us an email at 623.536.8200 or